Accueil > OpenID Connect OAuth Server dedicated > Legals



Disclaimer : It is important to note that OpenID Connect, like any other authentication system, does not ensure the security of applications or data services, but provides them with more complete and reliable information about the end user than simpler methods. On the one hand, security will depend on what applications and services do with this information, on the other hand, their intrinsic security as well as that of the network.

Warning : This site is a demonstrator and a development tool, it may be unavailable and the saved data deleted at any time.

This application is a prototype in development. It is intended to enable developers to test OAuth in their client applications and protected resource servers. Any use is at the risk of the user.

The documentation is also in constant becoming and can not replace the documents to which it refers.

The user should be aware of the differences that may exist between the OAuthSD server and OpenID Connect specifications : all features are not necessarily implemented by OAuthSD or are not yet so, some specifications are still drafts, some features are deemed less helpful or poorly secured. In addition, OAuthSD offers some interesting extensions that, without going against the standard, are not part of it. Finally, OAuthSD is intended to be implemented in the closed framework that constitutes a set of applications in a corporate realm which allows a certain freedom from the specifications.

DnC makes no warranties and disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the application or documentation.


This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents, code and iconographic and photographic representations.

The publisher claims the copyrights on all the texts of this site, except the translations which try to stick as close as possible to the original text indicated by reference. On the other hand, the publisher claims the rights related to the translation.

Code Release Policy

The goal of DnC is twofold :
- 1. Protect the code specifically created by DnC and the OAuthSD server configuration to make it more difficult for criminals or malicious hacker. For this, the code in the directories /commons, /oauth and /oidc is not open source but subject to a particular license.
- 2. Disseminate as much information and source code as possible to allow anyone to integrate authentication delegation and resource protection into their applications with the OAuthSD server. For that all the rest of the code, not present in the directories mentioned above, is diffused under license GPLv3 or another license indicated in the code, in particular that coming from other developers.

This policy applies both to the code present on the server underlying this website and to the code deployed among OAuthSD users.

Publisher information

- Publisher of the site : i-Tego
6, place de la Gare
08000 Charleville-Mézières - France.

SIRET : 901 205 583 00023 RCS Sedan

- Hosting private server rented to OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

- Editor : The editor of the site.


In the current state of development, this site does not record any personal data permanently (the data entered by the authors and users are erased regularly and are supposedly fictitious) and does not require a declaration to the CNIL. We do not perform any processing on this data other than backups and do not broadcast them.

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